5 Best Scholarships For Short People, Little People, Midgets

Can your short stature earn you a scholarship? Yes, if you’ve ever found yourself wondering about that. Scholarships aim to level the playing field for all college-bound students by recognizing their unique qualities.  

When providing student aid, consideration is given to a variety of individual characteristics, including cultural background, sexual preference, gender, and place of residence. One condition associated with anomalies in birth is dwarfism. 

Research on growth hormone abnormalities and specialized studies pertaining to conditions such as Seckyl syndrome and achondroplasia are currently underway. Dwarfism is an uncommon condition for which certain gene abnormalities have been linked. Although dwarfism can sometimes be inherited, it also frequently develops independently of heredity.

Scholarships for people with smaller statures can be used to defray college expenses. Attending college is getting more and more expensive, with public colleges charging an average of $9,375 per year for tuition, fees, room, and board, according to the National Center for Education Statistics. 

Research indicates that if you decide to attend college and earn a degree, you will probably make more money overall. The most recent data available from the Bureau of Labor Statistics indicates that a bachelor’s degree earns a worker about $1,134 per week. That’s almost $500 more than people who only have a high school education!

Little People of America

The Little People of America organization offers information and assistance to families and individuals of modest stature. For graduate and undergraduate students, there are two distinct Little People of America scholarships available. This is provided to individuals who are impacted by dwarfism. Prize money may be given out in the $250–$1000 (or more) range. 

The applicant may be a dwarf who is not connected to the LPA, a member of the LPA who has dwarfism and can produce medical records can be considered in some cases.

Ellen Highland Fernandez Scholarship For Graduate Studies

Short students enrolled in the 2023–24 academic year pursuing a master’s or doctoral degree are eligible to apply for the Ellen Highland Fernandez Scholarship for Graduate Studies. There will only be one beneficiary. The Scholarship Committee may decide to renew scholarships (you must reapply) for a maximum of three years of graduate study.

Ford Empowering America Scholarship

One $3,000 scholarship will be awarded to the winner of the “Empowering America” scholarship program, and another $2,000 scholarship will be awarded to the student who placed second. The funds will be paid directly to each student’s educational institution. Two profiles or interviews for the AWM website will be produced by the winner.

Cappex Easy Money Scholarship

This happens to be one of the few financial aid programs that doesn’t have an essay or minimum GPA requirements, but it’s competitive because it’s open to everyone and isn’t just for short people. To be eligible, you must be enrolled in high school, a college, or plan to enroll within the next 12 months.

Jockey Club Scholarship 

One of the yearly scholarships offered to short individuals enrolled in the Race Track Industry Program (RTIP) at the University of Arizona is this one. It is dedicated to Goodman, one of the three founders of the RTIP, a longtime member of The Jockey Club, and a resident of Tucson. Recipients of this $6,000 scholarship will receive $3,000 each semester.


Scholarships aimed exclusively at people of smaller stature offer worthwhile chances to those who encounter particular difficulties. In addition to providing financial aid, the scholarships listed here celebrate diversity and encourage individuals who are short, small, or challenged to pursue their academic goals. These scholarships serve as a symbol of inclusivity and acknowledge the value of giving all students, regardless of physical characteristics, equal access to educational opportunities.


How do you learn about small local scholarships?

Your school is always the best place to start when searching for local scholarships. If you are a high school student planning to attend college, make sure to speak with the financial aid office at your prospective university as well as the college counselor at your high school.

How do you learn about small local scholarships?

Your school is always the best place to start when searching for local scholarships. If you are a high school student planning to attend college, make sure to speak with the financial aid office at your prospective university as well as the college counselor at your high school.

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