Best Adult Protective Services Delaware

When cases of alleged neglect, mistreatment, or mistreatment of impaired adults are reported, the Adult Protective Service (APS) Program takes action. In particular, the program helps people who are not residing in a long-term care facility (like a nursing home), are at least eighteen years old, and have a physical or mental disability. 

Assistance is provided by social workers with training who work in the APS program. Delaware’s dedication to care, protection, and advocacy is demonstrated by its commitment to protecting its vulnerable adult population. 

The provision of Adult Protective Services (APS) stands out as a cornerstone in this care environment, providing adults who are experiencing abuse, neglect, or exploitation with advocacy, intervention, and critical support. By guaranteeing their safety and well-being, Delaware Adult Protective Services seeks to uphold the dignity, respect, and inclusion of older adults and individuals with disabilities. 

APS in Delaware is an example of a comprehensive approach, bringing together professionals, agencies, and community members with a common goal of safeguarding the security and welfare of the state’s most vulnerable residents.

The APS in Delaware uses a comprehensive strategy to address the different types of abuse that susceptible adults experience. This covers instances of neglect, abuse (financial, emotional, or physical), or circumstances where exploitation is suspected. The main goals of the program are to protect the well-being, safety, and dignity of those who are less fortunate.

A cooperative network including numerous agencies, social workers, law enforcement, medical professionals, and members of the community is crucial to Delaware’s APS success. This multidisciplinary approach makes it possible to assess cases more thoroughly, act quickly, and provide people in distress with specialized support.

Delaware’s APS stands out for being easily accessible and offering a wide range of support services. From short-term crisis intervention to long-term care planning, APS provides a range of services catered to specific requirements. 

The provision of emergency shelter placement, guidance, legal advocacy, assistance with financial management, and access to medical treatment resources are a few examples of services.

4 Best Adult Protective Services 

  1. Delaware Health and Social Services (DHSS)
  2. Delaware Department of Health and Social Services
  3. National Adult Protective Services Association (NAPSA)
  4. Division of Services for Aging and Adults with Physical Disabilities (DSAAPD)

Adult Protective Services’ Principal Elements

Identification and Intervention

When reports or suspicions of maltreatment of vulnerable adults are made, APS agencies are notified and take appropriate action. Mistreatment can take many forms, such as financial exploitation, emotional, sexual, physical, or abandonment abuse.

Investigation and Assessment

After receiving reports, APS looks into the circumstances, needs, and risks of each individual by conducting in-depth investigations and assessments. Interviews, house calls, and coordination with other organizations or experts are all part of this.

Crisis Intervention

APS offers emergency services, including temporary housing, medical attention, or legal protection, in situations of impending danger or crisis.

Supportive Services

Based on each person’s unique situation, APS provides a variety of services. Counseling, case management, financial management, healthcare support, legal advocacy, and help locating community resources are a few examples of this.


Adult Protective Services is a lifeline for adults who are at risk of abuse or are in distress. These services put people’s safety, health, and dignity first, providing crucial assistance and defense to those who might not be able to defend themselves.  It is critical to report any suspicions of violence, lack of attention, or mistreatment of a vulnerable adult. Anyone can report concerns to the local APS agency, including concerned citizens, family members, caregivers, and medical professionals.

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