What Is The California Scholarship Federation Requirements

The California Scholarship Federation, Inc. is an independent nonprofit whose goal is to honor and promote community service and academic excellence among California’s middle and high school students. 

When it comes to recognizing and acknowledging academic excellence among high school students, the California Scholarship Federation (CSF) is a shining example. Students are urged to fulfill certain requirements that demonstrate their dedication to educational rigor and an understanding of service to become members of this prestigious organization. 

Every middle school and higher educational institution in the state has about 1500 chapters, each of which is made up of students who fit the eligibility requirements. A staff adviser is in charge of each chapter.

Becoming a member of CSF is more than just an honor; it’s evidence of a student’s commitment to education and community service. Students demonstrate their academic ability, leadership potential, and dedication to both intellectual development and civic responsibility by adhering to the strict requirements set forth by CSF.

Based on their report card grades, eligible students apply to become members. Membership is for a single semester, and within the time frames set by the state bylaws, membership drives are held every semester.

A dedication to quality education is embodied in the path to CSF membership, which includes meeting subject requirements and maintaining outstanding grades in college prep courses. Every year, conferences take place, and student awards honoring academic excellence and volunteerism are given out.

Furthermore, it promotes a comprehensive approach to education by elevating behavior and civic engagement in addition to academic success. the fundamental values of CSF, which support the organization’s goal of developing a community of scholars who are committed to serving others and having a significant impact on their communities in addition to being exceptional students.

Criteria For Semester Participation

Students who apply and receive ten (10) CSF points are eligible to join CSF. Based on the prior semester’s grades, points are awarded using the following scale.

A = 3 CSF points

B = 1 CSF point

C = 0 CSF points, 

A D or F in any course automatically disqualifies the student from membership, even if it isn’t used toward CSF.

List I courses must account for four of the ten points. List I and II courses must account for seven of the ten points, including the four List I points. Of course, List I may be the source of all seven points. Any list can be used for the final three points. To obtain the 10 points, a maximum of 5 courses (or 25 credits) may be taken.

Courses on List I are only the Core Curriculum lessons outlined by the California state structure. Courses on List I are also grade-level suitable, fulfill college preliminary prerequisites and are frequently explained in California.

Courses on List II are those that are not on List I but are nonetheless of an academic caliber equivalent. Examples of these courses include non-core classes like computer science, psychology, philosophy, and introductory mathematics.


What are the requirements for the CSF cord?

The class of 2023, 2024, and 2025 must have obtained Gold Sealbearer status and accrued 30 points to be eligible for the CSF Graduation Cord. For the class of 2026 onwards, 40 points will be needed. 

What GPA is required for CSF?

What qualifications must you meet to be eligible? Many students may qualify for CSF membership if they earn a GPA of 3.0 or higher. For instance, a student’s grades from their report card from the spring semester determine their eligibility for the fall.

How many hours are required for CSF?

Students must complete 20 hours of community service, pay $4 in dues each semester, and meet the State CSF grade point requirement of 10 to remain active members of the CSF.

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