How to Convert cryptocurrency; Crypto Converter simply means conversion of Cryptocurrency, Dollar, Euro, or Rupee to another Currency.
Example: You have some Bitcoin (BTC) in your wallet and you want cash or you want to exchange it for either USDT, XLM, ETHEREUM, Or BINANCE COIN (BNB) simply you can convert or swap it to the other coin.
So if you are finding it difficult to convert your Cryptocurrency this writeup will guide you.
Binance Users: If you are using Binance exchange follow the instructions carefully! kindly open your Binance App on the home page you will see Convert else if you can’t find it just click on “MORE”
once you click on “More” this Page will pop up scroll down and locate “Convert”
If you click on Convert this page will pop up as you can see you are required to put or search for the asset that you are converting from either USDT, BTC, ETH, LTC, BNB OR SOLANA
Just type it then choose the next Coin that you wish to exchange easily as you can see in the above image, then you hit on preview conversion to see the rates of what you are converting for
After you preview the rates and you agree then just proceed and click on Convert Note! this process cannot be reversed so make sure you choose the right one also when you click on the preview the rates is staying for only (5sec)
How to Convert Cryptocurrency
Immediately when you click on Convert this page will show up Boom 💥 Congratulations you have successfully converted your Coin
Read Also: How To Buy/Sell On Binance P2P
Cryptocurrency Price labels in (5) different Currency
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