Below is the list of all the courses offered by Ladoke Akintola University of Technology (LAUTECH) and their cut-off marks. Applicants can scroll down for knowledge.
Accounting: 200
Agricultural Economics: 180
Agricultural Extension and Rural Development: 180
Agricultural Engineering: 180
Anatomy: 230
Animal Nutrition and Biotechnology: 180
Animal Production and Health: 180
Architecture: 200
Biochemistry: 230
Building: 190
Business Management: 200
Chemical Engineering: 200
Civil Engineering: 200
Computer Engineering: 200
Computer Science: 210
Consumer and Home Economics: 180
Crop and Environmental Protection: 180
Crop Production and Soil Science: 180
Cyber Security Science: 190
Earth Science: 190
Economics: 190
Electronic and Electrical Engineering: 200
English and Literary Studies: 190
Estate Management: 180
Fine and Applied Arts: 180
Fisheries and Aquaculture: 180
Food Engineering: 180
Food Science: 180
Forest Resources Management: 180
History: 180
Hospitality and Tourism Management: 180
Information System: 180
Library and Information Science: 180
Marketing: 180
Mechanical Engineering: 200
Medical Laboratory Science: 250
Medicine: 270
Nursing: 260
Nutrition and Dietetics: 220
Philosophy: 180
Physiology: 230
Pure and Applied Biology: 180
Pure and Applied Chemistry: 180
Pure and Applied Mathematics: 180
Pure and Applied Physics: 180
Science Laboratory Technology: 180
Sociology: 180
Statistics: 180
Surveying and Geoinformatics: 180
Transport Management: 180
Urban and Regional Planning: 180
Wildlife and Ecotourism Management: 180